Sunday, June 24, 2012

SKyrim Entry #9

Suns Height 14th,

I've been searching for many days now, for words of power. So far I have learned many from my friends the Greybeards. Most Word walls were easy enough to find. Some others however, were guarded by beings that are neither dead or living. We call them dragur. Nords from the days of old, I do not know why they have not  passed into the afterlife.


The dragons have grown ever more a hindrance to me and fellow travelers of Skyrim. Both the Stormcloaks and Empire have agreed that they (themselves) are not the reasons for dragons appearing back into the world. I must now get ready to depart to Ustengrav, it is my final test from the Greybeards. I must retrieve the horn of Jurgen Windcaller. I will then gain the full power of the Unrelenting Force shout.


I found the horn but it was not where it should have been. I found the burial where it was buried but, once I found the main chamber all I found was a note that told me to return to Riverwood and rent the attic room at the inn. They don't have an attic room. Who there has the horn?

It was the innkeeper! She took the horn in order to meet with the Dragonborn. She told me that the empire and rebels have nothing to do with the dragons returning. Delphine (the innkeeper) says that it might be the Thalmor or High Elves from the Dominion. I doubt that. None of their wizards are able to control dragons, not after what I have seen them do. She also mentioned that dragons are not just returning, They are returning from the dead. Not undead just coming back to life. She knows the next one that may come back soon we are off to find out if she's right.

It is as we all feared. The dragon that I saw at Helgen resurrected the dragon we found. I must return to the horn to the Greybeards and ask who this black dragon is. Then back to Riverwood to meet with Delphine. She says we have to find out if the Thalmor are behind this, or if they know anything about it.